Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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School performance

2022-23 Outcomes

Key Stage 1 (Year 2): 75% achieved expected standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined compared to 56% nationally

Key Stage 2 (Year 6): 77.8% achieved expected standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined compared to 59.5% nationally

Key Stage 2 (Year 6) Progress: Reading +1.33; Writing +2.42; Mathematics -0.33

Most schools will have progress scores between −5 and +5. If a school has a progress score of 0 this means that on average their pupils achieved similar results at the end of KS2 (end of year 6) to pupils in other schools with similar results at the end of KS1 (end of year 2). 

2023-24 Outcomes

In 2024 outcomes at Church Broughton are in line with and above those nationally in many areas.

EYFS (reception): 73% achieved a Good Level of Development compared to 68% nationally

Key stage 2 (Year 6): 71% achieved expected standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined compared to 61% nationally

Key stage 2 (Year 6): 29% achieved above expected standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined compared to 8% nationally

For a full breakdown of outcomes in 2024 please click on the link below

2024 outcomes - all results

To view more detailed school performance, click below to view the most up to date national data

Church Broughton Primary School Performance Table

 Children have positive attitudes to learning.

Quote from latest OFSTED report