Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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Online safety

At Church Broughton Primary School we want staff , children, parents and carers to create a school community that embraces the use of new technologies.

Please download our online-safety-policy to find more information on about E Safety in school. This can be found on our policies pages.

We promote the use of Computing to enhance learning and thinking and teach all of the children how to keep themselves safe. All adults in school ensure that pupils know how to report incidents and problems confidently and straight away.

At home, many children use computers to play games and learn. We want to encourage you to ensure children are supervised at all times, especially when accessing the internet.

  • When your child is using the internet at school or at home it is very important that they stay safe.
  • We teach your child to FLAG IT, BLOCK IT & REPORT IT if they see anything on the internet they are concerned about.
  • Your child would have been taught at school how to stay safe when using the internet on the computer, an iPad or a mobile phone. It is also a good idea to talk about these safety issues at home with your child.
  • If you are worried about anything your child has seen on the internet you can report it to the police by clicking on this button:

Remember when using any computer, tablet or phone devices we teach your child to be SMART:

S- SAFE- Don’t give out your own information

M- MEET- Only meet people you have met online with your parents

A- ACCEPTING- Only open emails & texts from people you trust

R- RELIABLE- Some people online tell lies, only talk to real world friends and family

T- TELL- Tell a parent or adult you trust if something you see online makes you feel uncomfortable

Use these links to help you and your child stay safe online:


 Children have positive attitudes to learning.

Quote from latest OFSTED report