Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.


If you have not yet visited our school, please do contact the school office to arrange for a tour with Mr Rudge, our Head of School, who will be very pleased to show you around.

We are supported in our admissions into Reception by Derbyshire County Council. To apply for a place for your child of school age by next September, please go the Derbyshire County Council School Admissions page.  If you have any queries, please either contact Derbyshire County Council Admissions on the telephone number provided on the website or our school office.  Please note that there is a deadline for completion of applications (15th January 2025 for September 2025 start) and any applications submitted after the date stated on Derbyshire County Council’s website will be classed as a late application.

For guidance on Primary Admissions click here

The Local Authority has determined that the Published Admission Number (PAN) for the School is 15.  If the number of applications made exceeds the numbers of places we have in Reception, there may be a waiting list in operation.  The waiting list will be based on our Admissions Policy and time of application. The school welcomes applications from parents of pupils with special educational needs. A pupil with a Statement/EHCP which specifies the school will be given automatic priority for admission

If your child is starting school after the 1st September in a school year, this is known as an ‘In Year Admission’. Please contact the school office to discuss whether places are available in your child’s year group.

It is essential that all applications are submitted on the Local Authority form. Applications can be made to the Local Authority by telephone, on-line or using the paper form. Applications can only be submitted between the middle of November and the middle of January immediately before the school year in which the child will start school. Parents will be informed as to the result of their application by post by April.  Exact dates differ from year to year and are published by Derbyshire County Council.

All parents who have been refused a place for their child will be notified of procedures for their right of appeal.

 Good leadership and teaching in the early years means that children make good progress.

Quote from latest OFSTED report