Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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Church Broughton Fund Raising Commitee

Church Broughton Fund Raising Committee is an energetic, thriving group of parents and friends. Through the hard work of the committee members and the support of parents and the local community, Church Broughton Fund Raising Committee is extremely successful in raising money which is spent on enriching educational opportunities on offer to all our children.

In 2023-24, Church Broughton Fund Raising Committee bought the school two new interactive whiteboards. Each year, they commit to donating £500 to each class that teachers can use to enrich the curriculum. Examples of how this money has been used are ingredients for Christmas cakes and canvasses for oil paintings.

Church Broughton Fund Raising Committee can also contribute to school trips, often by paying for the transport, ensuring trips are offered at an affordable price. They also fund treats for the Year 6 leavers, such as an evening out and a small gift to remind the children of their time at our school.

Church Broughton Fund Raising Committee hold a variety of events through the year. These include Chocolate Bingo, Secret Santa, discos and out biggest fund raiser, May Day, which is a real whole community event. Not all events are intended to raise funds – they are simply meant to be attended and enjoyed!

New members are always made welcome and if you are interested in joining, please talk to a member of staff.

 Pupils understand how the school helps everyone to behave well.

Quote from latest OFSTED report