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  1. News
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  3. All Children: Internet Safety Day Competition

All Children: Internet Safety Day Competition

3 February 2025 (by Andrew Rudge (arudge))

Tomorrow, the School Council will be sharing details of a competition they have organised:

To mark Safer Internet Day 2025, The School Council have organised a poster competition.

Swans, Cygnets and Flamingos — Create a poster to show others how to stay safe online.

Kingfishers—Create a poster which shows other children how to spot whether

information online is true or fake.

Closing date for entries: Monday 10th February

Winners will be announced in Worship on Friday 14th February


1st place—10 house points

2nd place—7 house points

3rd place—5 house points

Children should put their name and class on the back of their poster.