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  1. News
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  3. Request for volunteers to oversee SATS administration

Request for volunteers to oversee SATS administration

26 April 2024 (by Andrew Rudge (arudge))

Dear Parents,

We will be administering the Year 6 SATS the week commencing 13.05.24. To ensure we do this correctly, we ask that either a governor or parent volunteer oversee our administration of the tests. We would need to ask you to attend school 15 minutes before the test commences and stay for approximately 15 minutes after the tests end.
The dates and timings are as follows:
Monday 13th May - English Spelling and Grammar - 9:15 - 11:00 (there are two tests with a break at approximately 10:15)
Tuesday 14th May - English Reading - 9:15 - 10:15
Wednesday 15th May - Maths Paper 1 and 2 - 9:15 - 11:30 (there are two tests with a break at approximately 10:15)
Thursday 16th May - Maths Paper 3 - 9:15 - 10:15
If you are a parent of a child in Year 6, we would ask that you do not volunteer.
If you are able to support us, please let me know the day(s) you are available. If you would like further information, please contact me.
Many thanks,
Mr Rudge