Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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School closure

9 February 2024 (by Andrew Rudge (arudge))

Dear Parents and Carers,

Further to our update earlier regarding the closure of school, we wish to explain more clearly the rationale behind this decision.

School has a duty of care to staff and to pupils. At the time the decision was made, staff had been out and inspected the floods and deemed them too deep to drive through. Also at that time, the forecast was for further rain until midday. In order to reduce the risk to staff and pupils, in particular to reduce the risk of cars being written off, we decided to inform parents that school would close. We understand that following a decision like this, the flooding and rain may be less severe than at the point the decision was taken. However, we try to make the decision at an appropriate time in order to not be too hasty, but at the same time give families time to arrange childcare.

We understand parents’ frustrations that flooding has now caused school to close three times in recent months. This is unprecedented and unlike any previous years whilst I have worked at the school. Given this, for future events of flooding, We will, in the next two weeks, be working with governors to establish a plan to keep the school open for staff and children who are able to access the site.  This plan will then need to be ratified by the Full Governing Board whose next meeting is Tuesday 12th March 2024.  Following this, we will be in a position to share the plan with you.. This may need to involve children bringing packed lunches and children working in mixed classes depending on the teaching staff who are able to access the school. This will be a priority and the plan will be shared with you once it is ready.

Staff have prepared some resources and suggestions of work that your children can do today – we hope that this is helpful.

 Yours faithfully,

Mr Rudge