Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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  1. News
  2. News
  3. Safety and Consideration at Drop-off and Pick-ups

Safety and Consideration at Drop-off and Pick-ups

12 September 2023 (by Andrew Rudge (arudge))

Dear Parents,

We understand that, as at most schools, dropping children off and picking them up can be difficult with limited parking, parked cars narrowing roads and children crossing the road on foot. We have received concerns from a local resident that this was particularly challenging recently. Please can all parents show consideration for all other road users, ensuring you avoid blocking driveways when parking, giving way in order to ensure flow of traffic and keeping the school drive clear to allow plenty of room for vehicles to allow others to pass. Further to this, please can all parents ensure they and their children cross straight across the road outside the main entrance rather than walking diagonally towards the village/ park.

We thank you for your cooperation in this.

Kind regards,

Mr Rudge