Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. School Council Nomiations

School Council Nomiations

4 May 2023 (by Andrew Rudge (arudge))

Dear Parents,

We are going to reintroduce a school council to ensure pupils have opportunity to share their views on school life. The Council will be made up of two children from each class (Year 1 - Year 6) and will meet with Mr Rudge and Mr Whyman on a half-termly basis. The Council members will also have opportunity to talk with their classmates to discuss ideas and concerns.

If your child would like to be a part of the council, please support them in preparing a short speech explaining why they would be a good candidate. These will be delivered next Thursday 11th May and children will vote for the candidate of their choice. Council members will serve for one year after which, new candidates will have the opportunity to take part.

We hope this is a good opportunity to hear pupils' voices and also for pupils to learn about the British value of democracy.

Mr Rudge